Education Liberates! 

The Bishop Kalu School is situated in Kinango. This is about 100 kilometers from Kwale. There are +/- 450 children attending the Bishop Kalu School.

The children sometimes need to walk a long way to get to school, but they are happy to do so, because education is the key to a better understanding of the usages of Kenya. The more the children are educated, the better it is for the community. The Bishop Kalu School is the centre of the area. The parents and teachers are together very active. They keep the school safe, clean and are taking care of the repairs.

There are several projects around the school to generate income. One of them is the tree project where they try to grow trees. After a few years they are big enough to sell them and generate income to support school activities.

Getting used to our new T-Shirts
Parents and local authorities of BKS in the shade of the school
Boys at BKS